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Publications, events and more.

„Gut informiert sein heißt nicht ein wenig von allem zu wissen, sondern alles von wenigen Dingen, vorausgesetzt, es sind die, auf die es ankommt.“

5 fatale Fehler bei der PCI-DSS Zertifizierung

5 fatal mistakes in PCI-DSS certification

Audio webinar on PCI-DSS Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance ensures compliance with various security standards for the payment industry and grants protection of card information during a financial transaction. It is aimed at all...

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Customer Intelligence im Finanzsektor

Customer intelligence in the financial sector

How Customer Intelligence enables new business models for financial service providers In the following webinar on demand (a cooperation between mVISE AG, Compeon GmbH and SummaCon), you will learn how you as a financial service provider can find new ways to...

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