+49 162 2488720 contact@summacon.de
Consulting, Coaching and Interim Management.

Let's shape the digital future and transformation together.


Comprehensive, detailed and always up-to-date IT technical and organizational knowledge.


Excerpts of strategic realignments at medium and large companies.

My company philosophy

The new broom
sweeps clean?

That alone scares employees and destroys important trust, which is so important for the success of digital change projects. For me, the idiom needs to be expanded: "The new broom sweeps clean, but the old one knows the corners".

That is why I follow an approach of development rather than "change", which reduces the implication of "replacement". It is important to me that even with radical innovations, there is usually an already existing basis on which to build. "Activate instead of amputate", as far as this is possible in the sense of the company and its employees.

Companies often do not have a transparent digital strategy. Terminology is often interpreted and applied differently, even at management level. This leads to uncertainties, blockades, demarcations, and ultimately to a standstill on the path to renewal. Our focus in customer projects is therefore in the "Creation of a common basis".Building on this, we implement our method "shaping IT-future together" which has been tested in practice several times. This approach clearly"remedies limiting influences" and designs an efficient, constructive and goal-oriented path for your digital transformation.

Range of services

IT and Management Consulting

We advise top management on all aspects of IT deployment, integration projects and system consolidations, focusing on the establishment of an escalation and risk management system.

Digital Transformation

Together with your subject matter experts, we develop the IT strategy along the entire value chain of your company, help with the setup, consolidation and closure/outsourcing of IT locations and services, and with the digitalization of corporate processes.

Business Intelligence

We are happy to advise on the development of predictive models and the utilization of Big Data / Datamining (e.g. SAP HANA and SPLUNK implementation in the payment industry).

Personnel support in the area of "Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence".

Do you see the need to support your team in the development, customization and deployment of machine learning tools and related query algorithms? Does this discipline include English-speaking employees for you? If so, please feel free to contact us.

Interim Management

There is always a need to temporarily fill certain managerial positions. Short training periods and appropriate specialist and management knowledge are the basis that we offer you.

Mandates in Supervisory and Control Bodies

Supervisory and control bodies have become considerably more important. As the events in recent years show, it has become essential to bring neutral and technically experienced partners on board. Ethical and moral values ​​are a guarantee that everything is going in the right direction for you as a customer.

Optimization of IT infrastructures

We support companies in transforming their IT landscape to increase efficiency and minimize costs, in reducing external dependencies and in introducing and optimizing IT procurement including contracts.


With over 30 years of management experience, Falk Wieland is happy to personally mentor and coach prospective specialists and managers. Especially when looking for a career with a 3x4h program.

Certification support / Hands-On support

We accompany companies in the relocation of data centers during critical operations, support the replacement of mission-critical applications during ongoing operations and in the preparation of various certifications (PCI DSS, TISAX and ISO 27001) and the alignment of the organization according to ITIL.

Procurement of freelancers and partner companies

Of course, behind our organization are experienced partners and consultants with whom we have worked successfully for many years for our companies and customers.

Dynamic and agile leadership

Leadership means that employees can understand and support decisions. This requires clear communication and cooperation with all stakeholders.

Intercultural competence

Through many years of experience in working with the USA, Asia and many parts of Europe, we have developed a self-image for intercultural cooperation. 

Appreciative working atmosphere

When it comes to technical innovations, the focus is always on people. Teamwork, recognition and willingness to discuss are important components of our social skills.

Entrepreneurial thinking

We take responsibility for staff, budget and projects. Even in critical situations, we make customer-oriented decisions and work in a goal-oriented manner.

Looking for a

winning strategy?

Through various management positions in the last few decades and as a founder, I am familiar with budget and personnel responsibility. My distinctive entrepreneurial thinking and goal-oriented work is reflected in all project stages. Numerous milestones document and confirm the success of our methods and procedures. The following project excerpts and success stories give you further insights into our competencies.

Director Operations Germany (COO), Interxion GmbH

At interxion GmbH, one of the leading European Provider of cloud and carrier-neutral data center services I took over, until it was sold to the Digital Realty Group, the management of the complete Operations. As part of Country Senior Management, with a team of 150 internal and external employees, we passed the challenge with the highest level of security and availability to ensure the operation of 15 Data Centers.

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Division Manager (SVP) IT & Organization / Authorized Signatory, Deputy Division Manager Finance & Controlling, B+S Card Service

B+S Card Service, the acquirer and service provider for cashless payments at the point of sale, merged in 2017 with the Kiel-based payment service provider Payone, which is one of the 50 fastest growing German technology companies. There, I was able to take over the strategic and operational management of the IT & Organization division for the optimal handling of all card and online payment processes for more than 5 years. In addition, I served as head of the crisis team. The result: a significantly increased flexibility and future orientation at constant costs through the conception and implementation of a new IT strategy with further digitalization of the processes of B+S.

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Head of Data Center Airport FFM & Hoyerswerda and operation of all external IT customer systems

After almost 6 years in the company, I was able to look back on, among other things, the successful relocation and reconstruction of all airport IT systems to a new data center, the extension of the existing contract with Fraport to include new value-added services and improvements in purchasing conditions. In addition, I succeeded in ensuring a significant improvement in the cooperation between Fraport and OS through intensive customer care.

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Manager IT Infrastructure Data Center, Amigon ICS - Alpha Group

At the logistics and supply chain service provider (including McDonalds Europe) Amigon ICS, I took over the disciplinary management of a team of specialists as well as the technical management of various external employees. In only 6 months, I successfully completed 3 important projects in a significantly high budget range, all in time.

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Director Technical Services, Encorus Technologies (formerly Brokat AG)

The responsibility of the technical service of Encorus Technologies GmbH, a subsidiary of First Data Corporation, was in my hands from 2002 to 2005. My successes include the introduction of SW standardization environment incl. evaluation and planning, which resulted in an optimization of time-to-market. In addition, a significant increase in efficiency and performance at the same cost by outsourcing the IT development from Leipzig to Hungary incl. relocation management.

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„Alles große in unserer Welt geschieht nur, wenn Jemand mehr tut, als er muss.“

Hermann Gmeiner, founder of the foundation SOS-Kinderdörfer

About me

I am fascinated by the possibilities of information technology. For over 30 years I have accompanied and helped shape the digital change in a wide variety of IT business areas.

Digitization and agile working are not „new discoveries“. In IT, these disciplines have always been the innovator and supporter of all business areas. Therefore, the first driving force must not be „exchange“ but „change“. Even with radical innovations, it is important to use an already existing basis that can be built upon. In addition, the human factor is always at the center of successful digital transformation.

I am also convinced that digital transformation can support the necessary sustainability issues and the path to an economically viable circular economy.

In this sense, building a close relationship with employees and taking a holistic, realistic view of customer requirements is our top priority. A coordinated integration of processes and technology is, in our opinion, the key to success.

Falk Wieland,
Founder and Principal IT Advisor



  • Over 30 years of leadership experience
  • Transformations of large and critical IT landscapes
  • Responsible for a wide variety of change and certification programs
  • Management of areas in crisis and stress situations
  • Building IT escalation and risk-management teams
  • Mentoring and coaching of employees at all levels and positions
  • Many years of experience in negotiations with the works council

Commitment / Recreation

  • Active social commitment (such as "Die Tafeln", fundraising campaigns for homes for the disabled and schools)
  • Participation in topics on "work ethics in the digital world," "digitization in harmony with economy/ecology" and "data center security"
  • Extensive mountain tours as a hiker and climber
  • Forest walks with friends and important people in my life
  • Simply enjoying a good read

“Our business is about technology. It is also about the operative business and a pragmatic, solution-oriented implementation. But, ultimately, always about good customer relationships. "

For us, a long-term business partnership is based on a code of conduct and ethics. This means that we not only offer our customers shorter routes. Rather, better and more reliable service, greater innovation and shorter lead times in the project. That is why we maintain a good and trusting relationship with long-term and trustworthy partners - for YOU and for us.

Let's talk about your project.